Asset Categories groups different assets together by type. All categorized assets will have the same customizable fields visible on their detail screen and any Notes or Documents attached to the category will be included with the asset:
Asset Categories screen
Categories themselves have parent categories and child categories. For instance, users may want to set up a parent category like “Field Vehicles”, with smaller (but still broad) categories of “Trucks”, “Trailers”, or “Passenger Cars” – each of which hold their own particular individual assets:
New Asset Category window
Categories can be assigned to a certain business unit, so the assets within will only be visible while creating a Work Order using that business unit.
If the category a user creates is a smaller subset of a larger category, choose the larger as the “Parent Category”.
You can assign Certifications for employees who will operate a specific asset – e.g., “Valid CDL” or “30 hour OSHA Outreach Training”. If an employee is assigned to operate an asset with a Certification, that Employee will be required to have the matching Certification (see “Employee Certifications“), or a warning message will appear.
Activities Required defines what fields of usage the assets need to record. Some examples of such measurements includes: Mileage, Meter Hours, Utilization Hours, etc. (Administrators: See “Asset Activities” for more).
Checking the “Top Level” box will sort assets by using the “Top Level” option.
To choose which additional fields will be visible or mandatory to assets contained within the category, simply check the boxes on the row next to the relevant data field.