Notes & Documents

128 views April 17, 2017 jpajaro 0

Notes & Documents

Some forms have a Notes tab to input plain text notes and attach documents to the resource.

If notes are added to a resource that can be assigned to a Work Order (e.g., Service Type, Location, Asset Category, etc.), the notes and any attachments will automatically appear in the Work Order details.

When a note is added to a resource, the “Notes” tab of the window will have an asterisk next to the word:

To add a note, click the  (Add) button on the window’s toolbar, or select “Add Note” in the right-click menu of the tab designated for notes. A note can consist of attachments only, text only, or both.

To edit a note, click the place of the text to be edited, make any necessary corrections, then save the window data by clicking OK.

To delete a note, select it and click the  (Delete) button, or select “Remove Note” from the right-click menu.

Any documents (formats of .doc, .rtf, .txt, .xls, or .pdf) available on your computer can be added to notes, and therefore to the resource being edited.

To attach a document to a resource, create at least one note. Click the  (Add) button in the window’s toolbar, or right-click in the area of the added note and select “Add Document”, then select a file in the “Select files with documents” dialog box and click OK. The attached document will appear below the note as a document icon with a title.

To open an attached document for review, double-click its icon or select the “View Document” command from the right-click menu of the document icon.

To remove an attached document, select “Remove Document”.

To save a copy, select “Save As” from the same menu to open the “Save the note document as” dialog box. Alternately, select the “Save As” command from the application associated with the document file format, if it provides this function.