Shortcut to Create New Items

168 views April 17, 2017 jpajaro 0

Shortcut to Creating New Items

The New button has a drop-down selection that allows a number of items in the system to be created quickly:



Work Orders, employee records, customer records, customer contacts, assets, and proposals can be created using this shortcut. Clicking the New button creates a new entity depending on which window or grid is open and active.

Action Tab

                                                                     action-tab                             action-tab-2


The Action tab allows changes to the active windows or grids:

New – Creates a new entity in the active (selected) window/grid . The available options depend upon which window or grid is active.

Edit – Opens the detail window for the active (selected) record in the grid.

Duplicate – Creates a duplicate of the item selected in the grid.

Print grid– Sends the active grid to the printer.

Export grid – Exports the active grid to the selected format:

  • Excel (.xls)
  • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
  • HTML (.html)
  • Web Archive (.webarchive) 
  • Rich Text (.rtf)
  • Text (.txt)

Delete – Deletes the item selected in the grid:


Import – Imports data into the system in an Excel-friendly format based on established templates. A few windows are equipped with this functionality.

Right-clicking anywhere on Work Orders triggers the following drop-down table:


Copy Grid – Copies the active grid to the clipboard (to paste into Excel).

Copy Cell – Copies the active cell to the clipboard.

Export Raw Data – Exports the raw data from the active grid to an Excel file.

Clear All Filters – Removes all filters from the grid.

Toggle Footer – Toggles the footer on and off. This enables or disables full viewing of the footer.

Carryover – Extend the end date of a work order. Only available on the Work Order and the calendar grids.

Run Report – This menu item is visible only if the Reports area is active. When clicked, the selected report will run. (Other items in the Action menu are hidden while in the Reports area).

Tree Mode – Opens the data in parent/child hierarchy form.

Card Mode – Toggles Card Mode on and off. When Card Mode is on, assets are shown as small cards. When Card Mode is off, they are shown as a normal grid (only available on the assets listing grid).

View Tab

                                                                       viewtab1                            viewtab2


The View tab contains helpful tools and functions used to ensure that the data you see is aligned with the data currently stored in your database. It contains the following commands:

  • Refresh –Refreshes cached data from the database as well as the current screen.
  • Show Map – Shows the geographical map.
  • Reset Layout –Resets all window and grid layout customizations.
  • Calculator – Opens in a window the calculator.


The Modules compose the main branches of OFS Pro’s modular features: Front Office, Back Office, CRM and Configuration, and is simply  all the modules currently available for you to access:





Modules Menu with Management privileges

The number of visible items will change depending on which user groups you’re in, but the complete list of modules is as follows:

For an easy-to-view graphical map of all items within all modules, see the Module Index topic.