Business Units
The Business Units option can be found in the Setup module of the Configuration tab:
Business Units tab showing New Business Unit window
To create a new Business Unit:
- Open the “New Business Unit” window by pressing Ctrl+N or right-clicking in the grid and selecting New from the menu. All yellow fields in the window are required information, while white fields are optional.
- Enter the business unit’s name, logo image and address. Checking “Allow Work Orders Across Month-End” will enable you to extend Work Orders created for this business unit across multiple months.
- The other tabs allow users to fill additional information that will appear on the signature pages in the Mobile Work Order Interface.
- Click OK to close the window and save the new Business Unit.
To add a new area (used in Asset Listing):
- Locate the existing business unit in the business unit grid.
- Navigate to the “Areas” tab below the main grid.
- Right-click in the grid and select New from the menu.
- Enter the area’s name (description), address and its accounting code (optional).