Employee List
The Employees module are in the Back Office tab of the Navigation Menu:
Employees tab showing New Employee window
To create a new employee
- Open the “New Employee” window by pressing Ctrl+N in the Employee List, or right-clicking on the grid and selecting New from the menu. All yellow fields in the window are required information, while white fields are optional.
- On the Demographic tab, enter the employee’s ID number, first name, and last name.
- On the Contact Info tab, enter the employee’s home address (address Line 1, zip,city, and state).
- On the Employment Data tab, enter the employee’s classification (see: Employee Classes), their associated business unit, their area in this business unit and their employee type (Direct, General & Administrative, or Indirect). Employees will have access to the areas within business unit defined.
- On the Employment Data tab, enter the employee’s classification (see: Employee Classes), their associated business unit, their area in this business unit and their employee type (Direct, General & Administrative, or Indirect). Employees will have access to the areas within business unit defined.
- Fill in any other optional information desired, then click “OK” to save.
To connect an OFS User record to an employee
- Ensure the employee already has an existing User record (see: Users).
- On the Employee List grid, create a new employee or navigate to an existing employee. Open the “Login” tab.
- Under the “System Login” field, find the Username assigned to the employee. Enter a PIN (used for electronic signatures of documents).
- Click “OK” to save.
Employee window on Login tab
To import an employee
- Open the “Import Employee List” window by pressing Ctrl+I, or right-clicking within the grid and selecting Import from the menu.
- Click the “Browse” button in the upper-right corner and select the Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv) file to import.
- Click the “Load” button next to the “Browse” button.
- Verify that the file is correct and has no errors.
- Click “Import”. A progress window will show up.
- Once the import process is complete, click “Done”.
Import Employee List
To add an employee to a work crew
- Navigate to the Work Crews screen (Front Office->Scheduling).
- Open the “New Work Crew” window by pressing Ctrl+N, or right-clicking on the grid and selecting New from the menu.
- Type the name for the new crew and click “OK” to save it.
- In the main grid, select the new crew to which you want add employees.
- In the sub-tab “Crew Members” click on the All button to see a complete list of all employees.
- Click on the “Is member” flag to include employees in the selected crew above. Note that an employee can only be in one crew at a time.
Crew Members tab displaying “Are not members of the Crew”