How to Completely Remove OFS Field from Your Computer

187 views March 3, 2016 Jason Bott 2

  1. Click the Start menu and open Control Panel. Under the section titled “Programs”, click the link “Uninstall a Program”.
    control panel
  2. On this list, locate the program named “OFS PRO”. Right-click this line and select “Uninstall/Change”.
    control panel 2
  3. A prompt will appear. If it is not chosen already, select “Remove the application from this computer.” and click “OK”. The main OFS Pro application will uninstall.
    step 3.remove ofs pro
  4. After this process is completely finished, return to the “Uninstall a program” window. Now, locate the application named “Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2”. Right-click this line and select “Uninstall/change”.
    step4.remove sql server
  5. A prompt will appear. Click “Remove” to run through the uninstall wizard.
    remove program 5
  6. After this process is completely finished, press the Windows key + R to open the Run prompt. Type (or copy+paste) “%localappdata%” and press Enter.
    step 6. localappdata
  7. Locate the folder titled “ProLogic” and delete it.
    step 7.remove prologic folder
  8. In the address bar of this window, copy and paste the path “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL” and press Enter.
    step 8
  9. Open the “Backup” folder here. It will require that your Windows account has Administrative access. Locate the file named “OFSPRO.bak” and delete it.
    step 9
  10. Return to the previous screen and open the “DATA” folder. Locate two files, named “OFSPRO.mdf” and “OFSPRO_log.ldf”. Delete both of these.
  11. A SERVER ADMINISTRATOR SHOULD PERFORM THIS STEP.  Right click and remove the subscription from the [OFSPRO] folder: OFSPRO located inside the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:step 11
  12. With this, all previous traces of OFS are cleared from your computer, ready for a fresh re-install.