Recurring Work Orders
The ability to create and manage Recurring Work Orders allows you to save time by creating Work Orders automatically. This is usually used for regular internal maintenance of assets, but can be implemented for any kind of job type.
The schedule for creating Work Orders can be set by either a recurring date or time interval (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.; or e.g., “every three months”), or for asset maintenance jobs, by how often the asset is used (e.g., “every 3000 miles”, or “1000 usage hours).
Recurring Work Orders screen
Create a Recurring Work Order
Creating a recurring Work Order uses the same streamlined interface as the Mobile Work Order wizard. The only difference is in the final step when selecting the recurrence type and length.
Recurrence Type and Length screen
To setup up a recurring Work Order for an “Internal” job type, see the “Serviced” column on the Equipment screen. This column is typically used for internal maintenance e.g. replacing the tires on a specified asset. Check the “Serviced” box on the appropriate line to note that only the tires are being serviced on this asset.
Equipment screen of Recurring Work Order wizard