Pending Activity
This grid records all sales representative activity like phone calls, meetings, emails, mailers, handwritten notes, and meetings away from the office:
For Manager users, pending activities are listed by Representative. They can create new activities and assign them to any member of their team, as well as edit pending activities.
For Delegate users, pending activities are shown for logged in users only. They can create new activities, which will automatically be assigned to themselves.
Add a New Activity
- Click on add a new activity.
- Click on: “Click Here to add a New contact”:
- Select an account and click Next:
- Fill in the fields in yellow: first name and last name, and click Next:
- Enter the additional information for the contact, and click Next:
- Click on Finish:
- Click on Next, select the activity and click on next again:
- Fill in the fields in yellow and select finish, the activity will be added to the list of activities:
Create a New account
- Click on: “Click here”:
- Fill the field in yellow and click on next:
- Type a main phone and click on next:
- The new account appears in the screen, and click on Finish: