Completed Activity

57 views April 17, 2017 jpajaro 0

Completed Activity

Shows the completed record of activities for a contact:

record-activity-4Completed Activity Screen

Edit a Completed Activity

  1. Right click and select Edit.
  2. Edit any of the desired fields: Date/Time, Representative, Account, Contact, Result, Activity Type, Priority, Duration, Description or Recurrence type.
  3. Click “OK”. The activity will then be completed with the changes incorporated and visible in the list of activities.


record-activity-6Completed Activity Edit Screen

record-activity-7Completed Activity Screen (after changes)

For Manager users, completed activities are listed for all representatives (delegates and managers). Managers can also edit completed activities except for the Activity Completed option.
For Delegate users, completed activities are listed for logged in users only and for activities defined as public.