
136 views June 1, 2018 evaca 0


The Customization module allows the modification of fields in any screen of OFS Pro:


customization-1Customization screen


In this module, a user can edit the field and modules label text, create new fields, insert masks, and filters for data.

Modifying or using any given entity, requires users to know the location, ID and attribute of the relevant entity.

customization-2New Customization window

Create a New Customization: Operation Details

Object Module ID Attribute Value
Attribute Scheduling OPERATIONSDETAIL/CUSTOMNUMBER01 Caption Name Field
  1. Click on Configuration> Administration>Customization.
  2. Right click and select new.
  3. In the Module Field select: Scheduling.
  4. In the Entity Field select: OPERATIONSDETAIL
  5. In the Attribute Field select: CUSTOMNUMBER01
  6. In the data type field should appears: Float.
  7. In the Caption Field type the name that should show the field within of the operation details tab.
  8. Click on OK button.
  9. Repeat from the step 1 to 8, if the user should create more Fields for the operation details tab.
  10. Restart the application with the same credentials.
  11. Click on Configuration>Setup>Services Types.
  12. Select a Service Type.
  13. On the bottom select a Job type.
  14. Click on the operation activities tab.
  15. Select any Activity.
  16. Right click and select edit.
  17. The right part of the window, search the name associated with the field created previously.
  18. Click on the OK button.
  19. Repeat from the step 16 to 17, if the user created more of one Field for the operation details tab.
  20. Click on Front Office> Scheduling>Work Orders.
  21. Right click and select new.
  22. Fill all the fields in yellow selecting the same Job Type edited previously.
  23. Change the status from Pending to In Progress.
  24. Clicking the assignments tab.
  25. Select a supervisor and add a new asset.
  26. Click on the Save button.
  27. Click on the take over button.
  28. Click on yes button.
  29. Click on the Operation Detail Tab.
  30. Click on “Click here a new operation detail”

The new field added appears on the screen with the names typed previously.

Create a New Customization: Inventory

Object Module ID Attribute Value
Attribute Assets ITEM/COST Caption Name Field
  1. Click on Configuration> Administration>Customization.
  2. Right click and select new.
  3. In the Module Field select: INV
  4. In the Entity Field select: ITEM
  5. In the Attribute Field select: COST
  6. In the data type field should appears: Float.
  7. In the Caption Field type the name that should show the field within of the item master module.
  8. In the edit mask Field select as mask type: numeric and type: #####.## within Mask Field.
  9. Click on OK button.
  10. Repeat from the step 2 to 9, if the user should create more Fields for the item master module.
  11. Restart the application with the same credentials.
  12. Click on Back Office>Inventory>Item Master.
  13. Select any Item Master and clicking for edit.
  14. The new fields added appears on the screen with the names typed previously.
  15. Click on OK button.

Create a New Customization: Employees

Object Module ID Attribute Value
Attribute Employee Employee/Crew Caption Name Field
  1. Click on Configuration> Administration>Customization.
  2. Right click and select new.
  3. In the Module Field select: Employees
  4. In the Entity Field select: EMPLOYEE
  5. In the Attribute Field select: CREW
  6. In the data type field should appears: String.
  7. In the Caption Field type the name that should show the field within of the item master module.
  8. In the edit mask Field select as mask type: numeric and type: #####.## within Mask Field.
  9. Click on OK button.
  10. Repeat from the step 2 to 9, if the user should create more Fields for the item master module.
  11. Restart the application with the same credentials.
  12. Click on Back Office>Inventory>Item Master.
  13. Select any Item Master and clicking for edit.
  14. The new fields added appears on the screen with the names typed previously.
  15. Click on OK button.


Customization of Asset Categories Descriptive Drop-Down List

In OFSPro it is possible to customize fields in any module in several different ways. This section describes the process for users to add a new drop-down field in the Asset module. To customize a drop-down list field description in Asset Categories, requires a few different steps. First you must Create Lookup Types, then you must create the customization, followed by a restart of the program to apply the changes. Use the following process to adding new drop-down fields:

Create Lookup Types

  1. As shown below, first select the Config module on the left hand side of the screen. This triggers a menu with two options, Setup and Administration. Select Setup to trigger another menu with several additional setup options. From those options, find and click Lookups.
  2. On the Lookups grid, right click to display the Context menu, and then click on Select New. The New Lookup Type window will appear.
  3. Fill in all the mandatory fields in the New Lookup Type window shown in yellow as shown below:
        a. Lookup Type Code – this code should be a unique field code used to identify it on the customizations grid. This code will be used
    when setting the customization at the customization grid.
        b. Start ID – this ID should be a unique number to identify the Lookup you just created and the values related to this new record.
    Description – in this field include a brief description for the Lookup Type that was just created.Lookup type
  4.  Once these mandatory fields are filled in, click OK
  5. Going back to the Lookup Values grid, select the Lookup Type that you just created. Once the Lookup Value at the top is selected right click on Lookup Values at the bottom, and on the content menu select the Add New Lookup Value option from the context grid. Create all the Lookup values you require. These Lookup values will be displayed in the dropdown customization field to be created.  
  6. After all the Lookup values are created, select OK.


Create Customization

  1. Click on Config Module – Administration – Customization.
  2. Right click anywhere on the grid, and select New in the content menu. An Attribute Overrides window will pop up showing several
    option menus.
    New attribute override
  3. In the first menu of options at top left of the Attribute Overrides menu, you’ll see five fields. Enter the following information into the
    fields as described below:
        a. In the Module field (a), select ASSETS
        b. In the Entity field (b), select ASSET
        c. In the Attribute Field (c), select CUSTOMSTRING10, This custom field is used to include new customized fields of the type string. The available attribute types are string, float and int.
    d. In the Data Type field (d), the following options are displayed: string, float or int
             i. String data types are used for character fields.
            ii. Float data types are used for high-precision fractional values.
            iii. Int data types are used for integer fields.

    Attribute Overrides
  4. At the top right of the Attribute Overrides window, you’ll see a Caption options menu:
    a. In the Caption field (4a), type a name for the custom asset category field.
  5. Then find the Lookup Settings menu, located about 4 menus below the Caption menu on the right hand side of the window.
    a. In the Row Source field (5a), select LOV_UNSORTED from the drop-down list.
    b. In the Filter field (5b), type LOVTypeCode = [THE NAME OF THE LOOKUP TYPE CODE PREVIOUSLY CREATED – see step 3a in the Create Lookup Types]’Attribute Overrides part 2
  6. Click on the OK button.


Restart OFS Pro to Apply Changes

  1. Restart OFS PRO with the same credentials.1
  2. Click on Back Office – Assets – Categories.
  3. Select the Category where this customization will be displayed.
  4. Right click and select Edit on the content menu.
  5. In the customizable fields select the asset name created previously, and put a checkmark in the box to make the columns visible.Categories Customization
  6. Click on the OK button.
  7. Go to Back Office – Asset – Asset Listing.
  8. Right click and select new from the context menu.
  9. Fill in all the mandatory fields in yellow select the Category used for the customization.
  10. The newly added fields are displayed on the screen with the customized field.New Asset field customization
  11. Click on OK button.