
62 views April 17, 2017 jpajaro 0


In this tab users can manage locations and contacts, and review the change history related to the suppliers:

Suppliers grid window

Create a New Supplier

  1. Right click and select New.
  2. Fill in the field in yellow: Type a supplier name, a contact primary and the mailing address.
  3. Click on “OK” Button.
  4. The new supplier is added to the list.



new supplier
New Supplier Screen

Add a New Preferred Lane

  1. Click on the Preferred Lane Tab.
  2. Select “Click here to add a new preferred lane”.
  3. Fill in the origin and destination fields: Region, zip, state and city.
  4. Click on “OK”.


suppliers-5New Preferred Lane Screen

Preferred Lanes

Preferred Lane added to supplier

Edit a Supplier

  1. Right click and select edit.
  2. Make the desired change.
  3. Click on “OK”.
  4. The supplier is added to the list with the changes included.

supplier 2Supplier edit screen

Add a New Supplier Catalog

  1. Click on: “click here to add a new supplier catalog”.
  2. Select anything item of the drop-down.
  3. Fill the fields in yellow: Base Price,  lead time days and click on OK button.
  4. The new supplier catalog is added to the list.


New Supplier Catalog Screen

catalogSupplier Catalog added to the list