Item Master

204 views April 17, 2017 jpajaro 1

Item Master

The Item Master window is used to create and manage the price of available inventory items, as well as to print barcodes associated with Item Codes.

Item prices are used to fill in information in the Field Ticket tab of Work Orders, and for drop-down lists in the Job Type Field Ticket template:

Item Master screenItem Master screen

In this grid there is an option to print barcodes associated with Item Codes. To select which Item(s) barcodes will be printed users should select the checkbox(s) in the first column, and then click on the Print Barcode button.

A report in pdf format for the selected items will be generated in which Barcodes and Item Code(s) will be displayed.

Item Master report

Item barcodes report


Properties tab

inventory3Example of Inventory Item Details window, Properties tab

Each Item Master item includes the following details:

  • Item Code
  • Category
  • Description
  • Short Description
  • Cost
  • Base Price
  • Status
  • Unit of Measure
  • Manage Inventory checkbox
  • Taxable checkbox
  • Open Pricing checkbox
  • Allow Negative Quantity checkbox

Manage Inventory determines whether an Item will be included in the Materials tab of a Work Order or not.  The data from these items are required to match the field ticket and quantity used in the Operation Details.

Open Pricing. When checked the Item pricing and Description can be modified by anyone who is editing or completing a Work Order, including field personnel.  It is advisable to create at least one “Miscellaneous” item with this checkbox enabled in order to allow field personnel to add items to a Field Ticket that are not defined in the Item Master.

Allow Negative Quantity will allow the user to add a second Item to a Field Ticket which has a negative quantity.  This feature is used to add a credit for materials or services that are visible to the customer.


Reconciliation tab:

clip0083Item Details window, Reconciliation tab

The Reconciliation tab allows for further classification of items to link them to different related categories.

It includes the following fields:

  • Employee Class
  • Asset Category
  • Operation Detail Sequence


Price Brackets tab:

inventory4Item Details window, Price Brackets tab


The Inventory module can be found in the Back Office tab of the Navigation Menu.

The Price Brackets can be found in the Item Master.

Price Brackets is tab a user can use to assign each inventory item a range of prices.

The code fields refer to the Operation Summary grid of the Operation Details tab and can be filled with variables such as:

  • Calculation Code – Determines the correct item price that will be applied in the Field Ticket report, e.g.,
    • FAVGRATE – Average fluid rate for the selected range
    • FPSI – Average pressure for the selected range
  • Quantity Code – Defines the quantity in the Field Ticket report, e.g.,
    • HHP – Average hydraulic horsepower for the selected range
  • Total Units Code – Define the total units in the Field Ticket report, e.g.,
    • Hours – Sum of the hours for the selected range

Notes & Documents tabs:

With this tab a user can include notes in plaintext, scanned copies of documents and any other files. For details on working within this tab, see “Notes“.