Last Maintenance Date

186 views August 7, 2017 jpajaro 0

This functionality allows automatically update the Last Maintenance Date column within the Maintenance Log Tab, through 2 possible user specifications when is creating or editing a Work Order:

  • If within the work order, in the assignments tab for the asset required the serviced flag is checked by the user, then the last maintenance date will be filled with the Work Order Actual Date.

last maintenance date image 1

Work Order Window

last maintenance date image 2

Assignments Tab

last maintenance date image 3

Maintenance Log window

last maintenance date image 4

Asset Window

  • If within the work order, in the assignments tab for the asset required the serviced flag is not checked by the user, then the last maintenance date will be filled with the last date maintenance of the asset.

last maintenance date image 5

Asset Window

last maintenance date image 6

Work Order Window

last maintenance date image 7

Maintenance Log Window


The Work Order status may be set automatically to closed or ready in two cases:

  1. When the Work Order set to completed, if there is no approval workflow defined for Work Order it will be auto approved.
  2. When the Work order approved and there are no more approval steps left, it will be sent either to ready or closed status:
  • Ready status: If the Work Order has field ticket detail records.
  • Closed status: If there are no Field Ticket Detail records.