Change Log

325 views April 17, 2017 jpajaro 0

 OFS PRO Release Notes 2.4 (April 25th 2017)

2.4.1 Control during Field Sync for OFS Pro Desktop in Offline mode

Controls are inaccessible during field synchronization in OFS PRO application while in Offline mode.

2.4.2 Asset field to update, drop down list implemented

In the Asset Activities window under Asset field to update, a drop down list with the new options of Mileage & UsageHours was implemented.

2.4.3 Calendar grouping by resources

In the calendar option in scheduling, the calendar grid has a new Combo-Box called “Group by.” Its function is to group work orders by the following categories:

  • Area
  • Asset group
  • Customer
  • Location
  • Job Type
  • Supervisor
  • Service Type
  • Business Unit

2.4.4 New Fields under Operational Details (For Directional Drilling)

New values are included into the Daily Report and Survey Sheet operational activities section of the Directional Drilling service type.

In Daily Report the following input fields are included:

         * LR = Left/Right (numeric field)

         * RTE = Rotate (numeric field)

         * SLD = Slide (numeric field)

         * SVY = Survey (numeric field)

         * TIH = Trip in Hole (numeric field)

In Survey Sheet the following input fields are included:

        * GC = Gamma Counts (numeric field)

        * G = Gravity (numeric field)

        * MAG DEC = Magnetic Declination (numeric field)

        * MAG = Magnetic Field (numeric field)

        * PDD = Proposed Drift Direction (numeric field)

        * PA = Pulse Amplitude (numeric field)

        * SO = Sensor Offset (numeric field)

        * SPP = Stand Pipe Pressure (numeric field)

        * SD = Survey Depth (numeric field)

2.4.5 Change in dashboard icon

In all OFS Pro Dashboard menus (Backoffice/Management/Dashboard & Dashboard menu) there is an update to this icon. dashboard

2.4.6 Additional columns in maintenance log: Repair cost & Estimated Value

Two new columns were added in the maintenance log: Repair Cost and Estimated Value. Repair Cost is calculated from Total Work Order Cost from the corresponding recurring Work Order.

Estimated Value is taken from Asset Estimated Value.

2.4.7 Limit on new asset windows when creating a new asset

There is now a limit of 2 open windows when creating a new asset, New Asset and New Asset kit member. Previously there was the option of creating and opening infinite New Asset kit members windows.

2.4.8 XLS Template options

Users now can define reports and data entry forms as Excel templates. Templates allow data entry into the .xls template and .pdf document generation.

Three options for template types were added:  Form Only, Report Only & Form and Report.

  • Form Only xls templates are displayed as an additional tab in the Work Order window (left side) and can be edited from there. Once the Print option is selected, xls templates with the Form Only option will not be shown in the Print Work Order Documents window, but rather a pdf file will be generated with all the of report and template options selected.
  • Report Only xls templates are not displayed as an additional tab in the Work Order window (left side) and cannot be edited. Once the Print option is selected, xls templates with the option Report Only will be shown in the Print Work Order Documents window and if selected, a pdf file will be generated with the other selected reports.
  • Form and Report xls templates are displayed as an additional tab in the Work Order window (left side) and can be edited from there. Once the Print option is selected, xls templates with the option Form and Report will be shown in the Print Work Order Documents window and a pdf file will be generated with all the of report and template options selected.

2.4.9 Input data with XLS templates

Users can input data in OFS Pro as Excel templates.  A template can be customized in such a way as to link data cells to database fields and to data not linked to the database.

To create an XLS template document with input information, consider the following:

  • It should be created as a non-protected xls document.
  • Multiple pages are supported
  • All placeholders should be specified through cell naming (available from the context menu. Range names are the same).
  • All placeholders should start with ofspro.prefix. For a single value, the WO attribute name should be specified after the prefix (case-insensitive), e.g. ofspro.workorderno.00231 for a WO placeholder number
  • XLS does not allow cell name duplication. If the same attribute is going to be used several times, the numeric suffix should be placed after the period character e.g. ofspro.workorderno.001 & ofspro.workorderno.002

Data from entities and stored procedures can also be used. The format for a cell name from entity data is: ofspro.<entity usage id>.<entity attribute id>  

e.g. ofspro.TICKETDETAIL_DETAIL.ItemCode

The data will be loaded from the specified entity. Cells will be added for each loaded row.

To load data from a specific cell name for procedure data, the user can use the format:

ofspro.<sp schema>.<sp name>.<result set column>

e.g. ofspro.dbo.usp_WorkOrder_GenerateWorkOrderNo.Column1

It will load data from the specific stored procedure result. Cells will be added for each loaded row.

2.4.10 Mobile Wizard Work Order Selection in offline mode

In the Wizard when arriving at the Work Order selection step, the topmost Work Order is selected by default, so if the client clicks continue, no error shows on the screen.

OFS PRO Release Notes 2.3 – February 12 2016

#70739526: Add Entities to Full-Text Search

When using the Search box, search results will return instantly as text is entered. Many more fields within records are able to be searched, enabling a faster way to find necessary records.
The Search function can return:

  • Assets – searches Asset ID, Name, Description, Serial No., Registration No., Manufacturer, Model, All Custom String Fields, Notes, Attached Documents
  • Documents – searches Title, Description
  • Locations – searches Location Name, Notes, Attached Documents
  • Menu items – searches Names
  • Proposals and Work Orders – searches Proposal/WO numbers, Job Description, All Custom String Fields, Notes, Attached Documents

#69513952: Asset Check In/Check Out

A new screen has been added to the Assets module named “Check In/Check Out”. Using this window, users assigned to the user groups of Administrator, Asset Administrator, Management, or Dispatch are able to select individual Assets to check in or out to specific Work Orders.

First, enter the Work Order Number, or search for it in the list. The Work Order must be in the In Progress, Complete, Ready, or Closed status. Next, enter the Asset ID, or search for it in the list. The Asset must be in the Active status.

When an asset is selected, different things will happen based off of whether the chosen asset was marked “On Location” or “Off Location” for that Work Order.

  • If the asset was not assigned to the Work Order, the asset will be added to the Work Order assignment in the “Active” status, and the “On Location” field will be set to the current date and time.
  • If the asset was assigned to the Work Order, but the “On Location” field is blank, the asset’s status will be set to “Active” and the “On Location” field will be set to the current date and time.
  • If the asset has something entered in “On Location,” but “Off Location” is blank, then the asset’s status will be set to “Available” and the “Off Location” field will be set to the current date and time.

The times where the asset was checked in and out will be recorded, and the icon that appears next to the asset in the grid will change depending on the asset’s status – an empty checkbox when the asset has not been checked out, a yellow triangle while the asset is currently checked out, and a green check mark after the asset has been checked in.

Bar codes have been added to the Operation Detail report, enabling convenient check-ins and check-outs of the assets.

#71336833: Change Grids to Open Edit Form from Hyperlink Click Instead of Double-Click

When a grid contains information that is able to be opened in another window, that window can now be brought up by simply single-clicking its text in the grid cell. For instance, on the Work Orders grid, the Work Order Number column will open the Work Order window, the Business Unit column will open the Business Unit window, the Customer column will open the Customer window, etc. This applies to any data grid within the application.

#78391984: Grid Filtering

Most data grids in the application have a quick-filter row along the top, enabling specific records to be located quickly and easily. In prior versions, this filter row was set to filter entries based on how the record begins – for example, typing “oil” would bring up a result of “oilfield,” but not typing “field.” Now, however, this behavior has been changed to filter entries based on any information the record contains – typing “field” would return a result of “oilfield,” as would “lfi” or simply “d.”

#73762421: Help

The internal “Help” file has been replaced with the online documentation. Pressing F1 within the application, or clicking the “Help” hyperlink from the About window, will open the OFS PRO User Guide using the default browser settings.

#70099463: Home Screen

When opening the OFS PRO application, a brand new, easy-to-navigate Home Screen will display. The seven available tiles are Sales, Planning, Monitoring, Resources, Accounting, Reporting, and Setup. Each of the items in these tiles will be hidden or visible depending on the user groups assigned to the user. (If all items in a tile are hidden, the entire tile will be hidden.)


#70563742: Open Documents from Icon

On certain screens relating to attached documents, there is a “File Type” column in the grid. The column contains small icons which relate to the format of the attached document (PDF, DOC, JPG, etc). When clicking the icon in the record, OFS PRO will open the document directly, instead of opening the associated document details window.

#71330146: Operation Detail by Activity Report

A new Work Order Report named “Operation Detail by Activity” has been created. The report contains general work order information and details on all services performed. The title of the report is the name of the Work Order Activity.

#71727078: Permanently Delete Documents from Recycle Bin

A “Delete” button has been added to the Recycle Bin screen of the Documents Module. This button allows Administrators to permanently delete unnecessary documents. Using the checkbox column to the left of the grid, multiple documents can be viewed, recovered, or permanently deleted at once.

#65860488: Provisional Field Ticket Watermark

A record named “PROVISIONAL_PRINT_WATERMARK” has been added to the System Settings page under the Setup module of the Configuration tab. When something is saved to this setting – for example, the word “Provisional” – that word will display in the background of any Work Order Report created from a Proposal or incomplete Work Order. The text will not display on the final Customer Reports created at the completion of a Work Order in OFS Field, nor will it show up on blank reports printed through Print Blanks.

OFS PRO Release Notes 2.2.10 – September 25 2015

Coiled Tubing Improve Formatting for Field Ticket and Proposal reports

• Added Job Type field to headers
• Removed phone and fax numbers from footers
• Ensured signature section never appears on the last page by itself (keeps at least one prior item)
• Location field changed to ‘Lease/Well’ Ability to Disable Supervisor Work Completion Question

If all Reliability Exception Codes (defined in Configuration->Setup) are set to “Inactive”, the section on the Supervisor Signature screen that holds the option to define a code is now hidden automatically. Item Description assignable to Pricing Contract items

Administrators are able to edit the descriptions of items within Pricing Contracts (Front Office->Customers); these descriptions will replace the default item descriptions within Field Ticket reports when applicable. Add Business Unit and Area to Create Invoices grid

“Business Unit” and “Area” columns have been added to the Create Invoices window (Back Office->Accounting). Add Work Order column to Proposal listing

Column for “Work Order Number” (“WO#”) has been added to the Proposal list (Front Office->Proposals). This column is blank, unless the proposal entry has been converted successfully into a Work Order. Make County field required on Location edit form

Supplying a county is now required when editing a customer’s location (under Front Office->Customers->Customer List). Amount calculation should always be Quantity x Total Units x Net Price on Field Ticket and Proposal

On Field Ticket and Proposal tabs, the “Amount” column for items was previously being calculated incorrectly due to rounding errors of discounts. Amount will now always equal the quantity of the item, multiplied by the number of total units of the item, multiplied by the net price of the item.

Directional Services Enable Inactive flag for Asset Activities with Predefined flag set

Pre-defined Asset Activities were previously unable to be set to “Inactive”; this is now possible. Operation Detail Customizable Fields by Activity

A field for “Activity” has been added to the Search Criteria of the Operation Details page. On Work Orders which are tied to a job, a new grid named “Operation Details for Job” has been added to the Operation Detail tab. BHA

A completely new functionality for Bottom Hole Assembly has been implemented. Associate Asset Categories with BHA images, and when Assets within those categories are assigned to a Work Order, the BHA Report will create a graphic of the BHA diagram automatically. Supervisor Assignment Notification should be sent each time the Supervisor is changed while Work Order is In Progress

Any time a Work Order is changed to In Progress, is created as In Progress, or has its supervisor changed while in the In Progress status, the assigned supervisor is notified through email. Add Supervisor to Work Order lists

Column for “Supervisor” has been added to Work Orders screen (Front Office->Scheduling) and Approval screen (Back Office->Management). Ability to add custom Work Order forms

Work Order reports can be customized completely through uploading personalized .dll files. Make Hours field disabled in Operation Detail whenever Start Date/Time is enabled

On the Operation Detail tab of Work Orders, when a Start Date/Time is set, the Hours field should not be editable.

General Checklist Modifications

• Checklists can now be assigned to Work Orders and Assets. Checklists can be printed, either filled in or with blank versions to complete on paper.
• Checklist Templates can be assigned to Service Types, Job Types, and Asset Categories. When a new Work Order is created using any of the specified entities, the checklist template will automatically be associated with the Work Order. Set “Autogeneration Rules” to declare when in the stages of the Work Order the Checklist should be generated.
• Checklist Categories have had a Sort Order added, to define the order that the category appears in the template. (If two categories have the same sort order, they are sorted alphabetically.) Saved Views on Operation Details Grid

The ability to save views has been added to the Operation Details screen (Front Office->Scheduling). Replication User Interface Improvements

The user interface for going offline has been reworked for streamlined simplification. When performing synchronization offline, an animated loading gif appears with the caption ‘Synchronizing Data’. Ability to Import/Export Customizations

On the Customizations screen (Configuration->Administration), Excel import and export has been enabled. Context-Sensitive (F1) Help

The Help manual will appear when F1 is pressed; the page that the manual opens to will correspond with the open application window.

Maintenance Tree View Filter Only Parent Nodes

When running a filter on the Asset Listing screen (Back Office->Assets) in Tree view, assets within Asset Kits will only filter by the top-most parent node. Usage Entry Validation

Entries for Asset Usage on the Usage Summary grid of the Asset Details form (Back Office->Assets->Asset Listing) can now be created independently.

OFS PRO Release Notes 2.2.9 – July 4 2015

Accounting Add Location column to Create Invoices grid after Customer Name

A column for Location was added to the right of the Customer Name column in the Create Invoices grid (Back Office->Accounting). Add left Icons column to Work Order Approval grid (same that is on other Work Orders grids)

A column for Icons was added to the left in the Approval grid (Back Office->Management). Add Employee Type column to Employee List, Labor Detail. Add Service Type, Job Type, Employee Business Unit, Employee Area columns to Labor Detail

The Labor Detail (Back Office->Accounting) data grid was heavily revised, adding columns for Employee Number, Service Type, Job Type, Employee Business Unit, and Employee Area. A column for Employee Type was added to the Employee List (Back Office->Employees) grid, enabling a field for setting Direct, Indirect, and G&A (General and Administrative).

Directional Services Additional replacement information

A read-only field for “Estimated Value” has been added to the Replacement window of Asset Kit members. Global setting of the sort order for grid columns

Columns within data grids can be shown or hidden by right-clicking the column row and selecting “Column Customization”. Users can set their own customized layouts of data grids, editing column widths, display order, visible columns, etc. These layout views can be saved and displayed to others on certain data grids, including Work Orders Listing and Asset Listing, under the Search Criteria box on these windows. Separate Kit Templates from Asset Categories

Asset Kit Templates item was forked from Asset Categories (Back Office->Assets). Roles with the privilege to view are Administrator, Asset Administrator, Billing, Dispatch, and Management (same as Asset Categories). Add Job Number to Replacement History Grid

A column for Job Number was added to the right of the Work Order Number column in the Replacement History grid of the Asset window (Back Office->Assets).

General Mobile Work Order Layout

“Directions to Site” field enlarged. Documents Edit Form

Job Types was made a sub-grid of Service Types. Almost all forms have been updated to support uploading documents, including Business Unit, Assets, Job Type, and more. Dispatch Modifications

The Dispatch window interface has been renovated. Unnecessary tabs have been removed, and a more accurate location algorithm has been implemented. usp_STAT_MonthlySummary performance

Edited a script related to the visualization of dashboards to slim down unnecessary queries and increase performance efficiency. Error reporting verbiage

Error reporting form reworded for better clarity. Work Order ownership change upon supervisor change

When a Work Order has a status of “In Progress”, and the assigned Supervisor has field (Mobile Work Order) privileges in their user group, the ownership of the Work Order will be set to the Field Supervisor. Filtering asset listing screen in Field

It’s now possible to filter assets and crew members within the “Who are the crew members?” and “What equipment was used?” screens of the Mobile Work Order wizard.

Maintenance Asset and Asset Category columns for Recurring Work Orders

Columns for Asset and Asset Category were added to the Recurring Work Orders (Front Office->Scheduling) data grid. Document Attachments

A Work Order’s documents will now include the documents of each of the individual forms associated with it – e.g., any documents attached to a WO’s Business Unit, Assets, Job Type, etc. will now be associated with the WO itself. WOs viewed in the Mobile Work Order interface can have documents added to notes. Document Sync Changes

Columns for “Available Offline” and “Size (MB)” were added to Documents Listing (Back Office->Documents). Documents over a certain size (default 5MB) cannot be made available offline. Asset Export List

Edited a script related to the import and export of assets to eliminate superfluous rows and optimize the downloading of customer records. Maintenance Log Updates

Reconfiguration of Maintenance Log (Back Office->Assets). Easy “Create Maintenance Work Orders” button implemented on the Search tab. (First required to select a supervisor and asset.) Double-clicking the Work Order cell will open the Work Order associated with the asset. A checkbox for “Show only Assets with Scheduled Maintenance” has been implemented, that filters out all assets without asset maintenance records. Customization of Asset Statuses

“Asset Configuration” item was added to Back Office->Assets tab. This allows administrators to define asset statuses with more freedom. There are five base statuses: Available, Inactive, Active, Unavailable, and Incomplete. For instance, an admin may define a status of “Maintenance” linked to the base status “Unavailable”; or divide the “Available” status to “At Site B”, “At Area 51”, etc. Tracking of Asset Status

Under an Asset’s window, the tab “Movement” has been renamed to “Movement & Status”. If the status of an asset has been changed, this is now reflected in that tab under the “Prev. Status” and “New Status” columns. Relationship Between Asset Properties Additional Asset Properties Add 10 Additional Custom String Fields to Asset All Entities should be Customizable

Extra strings have been added to the Asset and Asset Category forms, customizable under Configuration->Administration. Some predefined values to these fields include “Driver Name”, “Driver Title”, “License Number”, etc. A field for Business Unit has been added to Asset Category. Asset Listing Filter Row in Tree View

It’s now possible to filter assets within Tree View of Asset Listing and Maintenance Log windows (Back Office->Assets).

OFS PRO Release Notes 2.2.8 – May 11 2015

Coiled Tubing Addition of Rig Name to Field Report When using copy work order feature in mobile wizard, the new work order date should default to current date and not the date from work order that was being copied Show item code (not line number sequence) on all proposal and field ticket reports User Group Proposal Author should have access to Blanket Discount in Proposal Module If One Work Order per Day option is selected for Service Type, allow multi-day proposals (do not split per day). When the proposal status is changed to Pending, create one Work Order per day

Directional Services Filter consumables on Asset Listing Asset Maintenance History Detailed Replacement History Automatic expansion of Work Order dates based on Operational Detail On Replacement form, add Work Order field

General OFS Field Synchronization Optimization CRM Opportunity modifications Supplier Modifications Add Timestamp to Labor table (null); add CommentRequired bit default 0 to LaborActivity table (not null); add UUID varchar(50) null to Asset and Location tables; create a Unique index on these columns Proposal Calculation Modifications Add Menu item for Document types Add EndDate to Labor table and edit form to allow Labor entries to span across more than 1 day Remove constraint that doesn’t allow multiple Wellbore Configuration items of the same type Additional Fields added to Cement Data Save Work Order to Disk Utility Rename Price Book to Item Master Optimize download size of offline database When creating a user with no domain name, i.e. chris.jones, do not require web password/security question/answer if Is Web User is not checked Hide Convert Account button on Customer when In Work Offline Mode Modify Attribute Override form to allow customization to be applied to Entity. Allow customization of other objects in Advanced mode Work Order form performance Mobile Work Order Screen Changes Automatic Width Settings for Grids

IT Multiple user login for Offline Mobile Work Order Export any unsynced work orders when new version is detected

Maintenance Asset Inventory Import Addition of Asset Usage properties

Pressure Pumping Blender Calculations for Frac Field Ticket (FR) Total Units for Item Price Add FAVGRATE calculation code that works the same as other calculation codes on the Frac Summary field ticket except with Average Rate

OFS PRO Release Notes 2.2.7 – March 16 2015

Coiled Tubing Copying Mobile Work Order replaces Work Order Supervisor to current user Asset Kit Detail Drop-down add Inventory Type Duplication of existing proposal and changing customer

Directional services Start and End Date/Time assigned to assets and employees Hour distribution to assets on Operation Details Work Order assignment are visible to, and assets can be added while in in progress The status of all assets within a kit remains synchronized after an status change. Asset field, Inventory Type to assist in further refining asset categorization of the inventory. Allow Top Level field to be set on any level of hierarchy Asset selection in Operation Detail defaults to topmost parent in asset tree Add Category column to Asset Listing after Name Status change of Back to Inventory will set status to Active. Asset replacement on a Work Order links historical usage to replaced asset and rests the new replacement asset to zero Employees and On/Off Location date and time can be added to Work Order while it is In Progress from Assignments tab of Work Order Operational Details Calculated Time in Hole Edit Caption and Description for Predefined Asset Activity

Frac Frac Summary Total Units aggregate based on proper categorization Work Order hour calculations, based on Operation Details start Date/Time, allowed up to 9999.99 Frac Field Ticket calculations based on PSI, Rate, and HHP

General Asset Usage when Work Order linked to Job is auto-generated Asset Usage grid synchronization between Work Order and Mobile Work Order List all employees in assignments tab, and add selected employee if not already in employee list Approval Notification Template has blank fields Checklist assignments based on Job Type and Asset Category Cleanup Asset Status List Changes to pricing contract UI Administrator group added for Operation Detail menu item

Maintenance Record movement history for all items within a kit Modifications to Asset Usage and Asset Activities Add Type filter field to Price Book Unable to import an Asset List Resolve issue when work order the user of Take Over was executed. Enable the more information button, “…”, when in an editable grid Create Purchasing Administrator user group for adding or editing Suppliers. Replacement History on an asset is shown at the topmost parent, immediate parent, replaced asset and replacement asset Work Orders generated on parent for component identify the sub asset to be maintained Add a new column to Assets Used that appears for Internal Only service type – “Serviced”. When asset status is set to Inactive, all existing work orders that have not been started will be removed. Asset fields can be defined based on Asset Category Recurring Work Orders, Recurrence Type should display Asset Activity caption “(“Value”)” for recurrence by usage Asset selection in Reoccurring Work Order disables Asset Category selection field

Thru Tubing New fields on Work Order added for Thru Tubing

OFS PRO Release Notes 2.2.6 – February 5 2015

Coiled Tubing Add “Approved By” column to Create Invoices grid containing Last Name + First letter of First Name + Date/Time; separate each approver by new line

Directional Services In Operation Details screen of Scheduling module, add checkbox “One Line per Run”. When checked, the grid will only display the first line from each Work Order/Run combination. This value should be unchecked by default Add Start Date and Time, End Date and Time to WorkOrderAsset and WorkOrderEmployee. These fields will be set to the Work Order Start Date and time and End Date and time unless changed manually Hours from Operation Details distributed by selected Asset Display the Assignments tab for In Progress status and make it read-only except for the supervisor field, with the following exception: if Equipment Used or Crew Members tabs are hidden for a Service Type, allow employees or assets to be added (but not removed). This will allow Assets to be added to a Work Order from the office while it is in progress

Maintenance Recurring Work Order – when selecting Asset Activity for recurrence value, allow cumulative or last value to be selected, i.e. either total the amounts from all work orders or use the most recently entered value for that Asset/Activity Type.

Thru tubing In Wellbore Configuration table, add some columns: OD (in), ID (in), Coupling OD (in), Burst Pressure (psi), Capacity (bbl/ft), Max Bit Size (in), Drift ID (in), Joint Yield Strength (lb), Make-Up Torque (ft-lb), Collapse Pressure (psi), Displacement (bbl/ft), Connection

Wireline Wireline Perforating section – make the GGR – CCL box a drop-down selection with “GGR”, “CCL” Make the phasing box a drop-down list with: “0”, “45”, “60”, “90”, “120”, “180”, “270” Change “High Temp” to read “Explosive Type” with a drop-down list of: “PETN”, “RDX”, “HMX”, “HNS”, “PYX” Make “Wireline Jars” a drop down list with: “Yes”, “No”, “Take” Change the caption of “Wireline Setting Tool Shots” to “Perforating Intervals”. Add Stage column to this grid in first position Change all fields that were added to Wireline categories to 30 characters Change “Packer” to “Packer/Length”; drop “Length”